Starting is easy.

Dreams are the easy part. We sit, cup of coffee snuggly in hand, starring out the window and the dreams flow easily in and out of our ear holes.

‘That was a good one! Nah, it will never work.’

They come and they go.

The really hard part in the start up game is the doing. The day in and day out hammering of the hustle. You see, ideas are sexy and fun, hard work is … well, hard and that’s why most people choose to go work for someone else. Someone who will tell them what time to be there and when they can take a break and when (or if) they are allowed to go on vacation. This is the “American dream”.

Except for those of us who cannot stand someone telling us what to do. Us misfits who, because of something hard wired into our souls, must do our own thing in our own way. Let me tell you (and I hope I am not the first) IT’S OK TO BE A MISFIT! It’s ok to want to do your own thing, to choose your own path but I must also warn you, IT WILL NOT BE EASY!

Oh sure, the idea part is easy and the scrolling around on social media part looking at other people doing cool stuff is easy and the telling your friends over a beer part is easy. The doing is NOT easy. The problem solving is NOT easy. The finding the right person to help with whatever it is you need help with is NOT easy.

Sometimes it’s fun though. Sometimes, when you have been told “no” 34 times and the 35th person says “yeah, we can do that”, that can be exhilirating.

The beautiful things is, you CAN do it. Stay focused and move forward, even if it’s just a little bit, everyday and you can do it.

At Public we have the privilege of consulting with start ups from time to time. Our latest collab is with a 14 year old student who is staring his own clothing apparel line. I am sure we will update you on that at some point but, for now, I am just enjoying watching the spark in the kids eye when he imagines what could be.

Interested in starting something for yourself? Give us a call, we’d be glad to dream with you.


We Bought a Company.